Martin King & Stephanie Monteith – Hazelhurst Art on Paper Award 2021 Prizes

In News January 27, 2022

Image above: Martin King  strangerlands II, after W Strutt, Black Thursday 1851  2021  graphite, watercolour, gouache, pastel and gold leaf on drafting film on paper  150 x 226 cm

Congratulations to Martin King and Stephanie Monteith for their prizes in The Hazelhurst Art on Paper Award.

Martin King was awarded the Hazelhurst Art on Paper Award with his work strangerlands II 2021, and Stephanie Monteith was awarded the Friends of Hazelhurst Local Artist Award with her work Night Drawing 2021.

Since 2001, The Hazelhurst Art on Paper Award has been a significant national biennial exhibition that aims to elevate the status of works on paper while supporting and promoting artists working with this medium. This year Hazelhurst received entries from over 700 artists from throughout Australia.

The finalists exhibition continues until 27 March 2022 at Hazelhurst Art Centre in NSW. For more information, click here.Image above: Stephanie Monteith  Night Drawing  2021  graphite on paper  111 x 81 cm  triptych