Melbourne, 11 Jul 2017 — 30 Jul 2017

35 Derby Street [PO Box 1183], Collingwood 3066

Recent paintings
- Francis Giacco

Francis Giacco’s extraordinary oil paintings are luminous and evocative studies of light, colour and form. Highly celebrated for his classical yet contemporary approach to painting, Giacco masterfully imbues his works with sensitivity and emotion, exploring the relationships between people, objects and their environments.

Francis Giacco
Classically influenced portrait and interior painter Francis Giacco studied architecture at the University of New …
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In Blog

Francis Giacco – in the Sydney Morning Herald

Image above: Francis Giacco  Homage to John Reichard  1994  egg emulsion on marine plywood  202 x 188 cm. Archibald Prize …

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Francis Giacco – Interview with Maria Stoljar, ‘Talking with Painters’ Podcast

Image above: Francis Giacco at Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2023. Image courtesy of Maria Stoljar. Francis Giacco has been interviewed by …

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Deborah Williams, Martin King and Phillip Edwards – finalists in Pro Hart Outback Art Prize

Image above: Deborah Williams The air smells different 2023 aquatint intalgio 53×39.5cm Congratulations to Deborah Williams, Martin King and Phillip …

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