Melbourne, 7 May 2024 — 25 May 2024

28 Derby Street [PO Box 1183], Collingwood 3066

- Group Exhibition

‘MONDO’ showcases a broad spectrum of works on paper by some of Australia’s most acclaimed printmakers. 

Each artist in this exhibition utilises the expansion of scale as a device through which to explore and express myriad concepts and distinct visual styles. 

‘MONDO’ showcases a wide range of printmaking techniques including etching, linocut, woodcut, monotype, lithography and inkjet printing, combined with ink and graphite drawing, hand stitching, watercolour and the use of handmade papers.

In this immersive installation, diverse works interact and juxtapose, from expansive landscape vistas to detailed nature studies; to striking abstract forms, colour studies and compelling narrative works both figurative and surreal.

Group Exhibition
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