Melbourne, 4 Jun 2024 — 22 Jun 2024

35 Derby Street [PO Box 1183], Collingwood 3066

On the table
- Group Exhibition

Celebrating the enduring tradition of still life painting through innovative compositions and evocative symbolism, On the table welcomes viewers to reconsider the mundane as objects worthy of contemplation.

On the table features still life paintings by 6 highly regarded artists, where inanimate materials take the role of muse and model. The beauty of the familiar is exposed through skilful technique and delicate contemplation of various humble household subjects. This collection of works, rendered in oil, acrylic and watercolour, present everyday items with a new perspective and appreciation, from a loose assembly of vessels to a decidedly composed arrangement. Each artist lends their distinct style to the still life genre and through their mastery reveal the intimacy and verve of the objects on their table.

Exhibiting artists: Catherine Abel, Peter Churcher, Ross Harvey, Pam Tippett, Thornton Walker and Peter Wegner

Group Exhibition
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