Graeme Drendel, Terry Matassoni and Lewis Miller – Finalists in the Doug Moran Portrait Prize

In News November 6, 2022

Australian Galleries is pleased to announce that Graeme Drendel, Terry Matassoni and Lewis Miller have been selected as Finalists in the acquisitive 2022 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize.

The Doug Moran National Portrait Prize encourages both excellence and creativity in contemporary Australian portraiture. Since its establishment in 1988 by passionate supporters of the arts, Doug and Greta Moran AO, the Prize has supported artists striving to achieve success and recognition in portraiture.

The Doug Moran National Portrait Prize judges original artworks from Australian artists, capturing Australians from all walks of life, whether a public figure or someone from the artist’s circle of experience. Works are painted at least partly from life with the sitter known to the artist.


The finalists are in the running for a $150,000 first prize to be announced on November 30.

The 2022 Prize is judged by Gerard Vaughan AM, Australian art historian and museum administrator, Lucy Culliton, one of Australia’s foremost contemporary artists and Peter Moran, Moran Arts Foundation. Peter’s parents Doug and Greta Moran AO established the Moran Arts Foundation in 1988 to fulfill their dream of helping Australian artists along the path to excellence.

The 30 finalists will appear in an online exhibition from 30 November. Find out more information about the Doug Moran Portrait Prize here.