Jess Callister

Jess Callister - Australian Galleries
Executive Assistant

Jessica completed a Bachelor of Visual Art and Design at Australian Catholic University in 2013. During the degree she volunteered and interned in commercial and artist run gallery spaces. After graduating Jessica worked as a part-time Gallery Assistant across two commercial galleries in Melbourne and has maintained her connection to the university by giving an annual talk to the BVAD students. In 2015 Jessica joined the Australian Galleries team as the Melbourne Gallery Coordinator, and was promoted to Gallery Manager in 2016. In 2022 Jessica went on maternity leave, returning in 2023 as Executive Assistant.

Favourite artist of all time: Salvador Dali, Paul Gauguin, Andy Goldsworthy and Mark Ryden.

Favourite artwork of all time: Dali’s ‘Autumnal Cannibalism’ and ‘The Raft of the Medusa’ by ThĂ©odore GĂ©ricault.

Favourite pastime/ hobbies: Relaxing at home by the fire with my family. Gardening with our pet chickens nearby. Exploring rock pools at the beaches along the Great Ocean Road and camping in the Otways bush.