Janet Luxton – Best in Show at ‘Nature in Art’ International Exhibition

In News September 20, 2023

Image above: Janet Luxton  2023  Survivor  oil on linen  160 x 130 cm

Congratulations to Janet Luxton who has been awarded Best in Show for her beautiful oil painting  Survivor in the Artists for Conservation international exhibition,  Nature in Art.

“River red gum, Brachina Gorge, Flinders Ranges, Australia. River red gums may live a millennium advancing fast in favourable conditions and protectively shutting down in hard times. Their lifecycle is highly complex, and every stage provides sustenance and refuge to birds, mammals and reptiles. After 120 to 180 years useful hollows start to develop, accommodating many. I have been visiting this tree since 2003, an eye blink for the tree but in that time, I have seen it struggle against long droughts and savage flash flooding losing huge limbs to the latter. The tree magnificently persists.” – Janet Luxton, 2023

‘Nature in Art’ will be held from 21-24 September in Vancouver, Canada.

View the online exhibition here