Jennifer Keeler-Milne – Bank of America

In News October 7, 2022

Image above: Gum blossoms (Corymbia ficifolia)  2022  92 x 198 cm. Courtesy of the artist.


A series of works by Jennifer Keeler-Milne is currently being exhibited at the Bank of America Sydney office, curated by 3:33 Art Projects as part of the ongoing ‘Art of Connecting’ project. This exhibition demonstrates the diversity of Keeler-Milne’s artistic practice both thematically and materially. The exhibition has been accompanied with a thoughtful essay written by Jane Watters, Director of S.H. Ervin Gallery.

Golden Wattle  2022  oil on canvas  92 x198 cm. Courtesy of the artist.


“The work of Jennifer Keeler-Milne focuses on the beauty of nature in its many forms as she transforms blossoms, plants, clouds and marine life into objects of desire. The natural world has engaged and provided source material for the artist through direct observation however it’s not merely about recording what is seen, it’s about creating and sharing the experience of what she feels in the works.” – Jane Watters

Sea sponge # 7  2012  charcoal on paper  57 x 60 cm. Courtesy of the artist.

Shimmering lights Venice #4  2012  oil on linen canvas  92 x 122 cm. Courtesy of the artist.

“The English Romantic poet Keats once said that ‘beauty is truth and truth is beauty’ and the works of Jennifer Keeler-Milne embody this with sensitivity and sophistication that give her work an aesthetic dimension in which even the most commonplace transcends into an image of great beauty.” – Jane Watters

Read the full essay on Keeler-Milne’s website. 



Jennifer Keeler-Milne
Bank of America Art of Connecting, Sydney
Governor Phillip Tower, 1 Farrer Pl, Sydney NSW 2000
September 2022 – March 2023

Viewing by appointment only.

Meadow  2022  oil on linen canvas  61 x 102 cm. Courtesy of the artist.