John Wolseley in ‘Essays on Earth’ Exhibition – Bendigo Art Gallery

In News November 12, 2023

John Wolseley  The life of inland waters – Durabudboi river  (detail) 2015 – 2018
watercolour, graphite and woodcut on paper

Essays on Earth is a collaboration between multidisciplinary artist Brodie Ellis, painter and printmaker John Wolseley and poet Paul Kane, uniting the work of three leading artists of the Bendigo region.

Across three gallery spaces, Ellis and Wolseley’s focused observations of the natural world, expressed through photography, sculpture, painting and moving image, are arranged in dialogue with the elemental themes and poetic reflections of Kane’s recent series of ‘verse essays’, titled Earth, Air, Water, Fire (2022).

Grounded in a deep ecological awareness, Essays on Earth conjures complex systems of nature and their interconnectedness with human experience, inspiring wonder and appreciation for the delicate beauty and mysteries of the natural world from the minuscule to the vast.

Essays on Earth
Bendigo Art Gallery
42 View Street Bendigo
Current until 14 Jan 2024