Kyoko Imazu and Winsome Jobling – Finalists in Banyule Award for Works on Paper

In News October 2, 2023

Image above: Kyoko Imazu  Tall Sundew 2023  papercut

Congratulations to Kyoko Imazu and Winsome Jobling who were selected as Finalists in the Banyule Award for Works on Paper.

The Banyule Award for Works on Paper is awarded biennially to an outstanding contemporary work on paper. This is a prestigious national art prize, with the winning artwork entered into the Banyule Art Collection. This year’s theme is Nhalinggu Bagung, meaning come gather in the Woiwurrung language. Artists across Australia were invited to respond to the theme and show what Reconciliation looks like to them.

Winsome Jobling  Entangled  Dry point and ochres with stitching on handmade papers

Banyule Award for Works on Paper Exhibition
Now showing at Banyule City Council
1 Flintoff Street
Greensborough VIC
On view until 26 November 2023