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Martin King
Hoodwink, silent witness
Hoodwink, silent witness
Martin King
etching and spitbite, edition 20
90cm x 64cm
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Martin King
Martin King’s wide-ranging art practice is underpinned by an abiding interest in the Australian landscape, …
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Other works by this artist
Where did we begin – where are we now – where are we going N.D.
Martin King
Where did we begin – where are we now – where are we going N.D.
watercolour, graphite, pastel, gouache and pigment on paper and drafting film
108cm x 306cm
Study for war pigeon diaries IV N.D.
Martin King
Study for war pigeon diaries IV N.D.
etching, drypoint and chine collé, edition 30
14.5cm x 20cm
AG503950, framed
A little melencolia N.D.
Martin King
A little melencolia N.D.
hardcover book tower, photopolymer intaglio, hand written text, hand drawn animation and digital projector
115cm x 40cm x 50cm
imagine a bough N.D.
Martin King
imagine a bough N.D.
photopolymer intaglio and hand writing, edition 10
39cm x 35cm
Dawn chorus, momento mori N.D.
Martin King
Dawn chorus, momento mori N.D.
etching, liftground aquatint, spitbite, photopolymer intaglio, chine collé and wax, unique
101cm x 130cm
AG503918, framed
Lighting the way for the journey of lost souls N.D.
Martin King
Lighting the way for the journey of lost souls N.D.
photopolymer gravure, chine collé and burned paper, unique
60cm x 145cm
AG503912, framed
Pages from the diary of lost souls
Martin King
Pages from the diary of lost souls
etching, drypoint, spitbite, photopolymer gravure and chine collé, edition 20
140cm x 100cm
AG503913, framed
Dawn chorus, aurora N.D.
Martin King
Dawn chorus, aurora N.D.
etching, liftground aquatint, spitbite, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 20
101cm x 130cm
Ledger of the lost #2 N.D.
Martin King
Ledger of the lost #2 N.D.
watercolour and pencil on paper
56cm x 76cm
AG503956, framed
Pages 23 – 24, images for ledger of the lost N.D.
Martin King
Pages 23 – 24, images for ledger of the lost N.D.
watercolour on drafting film and paper
56cm x 76cm
AG503959, framed
Pages 25 – 26, images for ledger of the lost N.D.
Martin King
Pages 25 – 26, images for ledger of the lost N.D.
watercolour and pencil on paper
56cm x 76cm
AG503958, framed
Dawn chorus study, pages 25 – 26 N.D.
Martin King
Dawn chorus study, pages 25 – 26 N.D.
watercolour and pencil on paper
56cm x 76cm
AG503957, framed
Study for ledger of the lost #6 N.D.
Martin King
Study for ledger of the lost #6 N.D.
watercolour on drafting film and paper
56.5cm x 76cm
AG503946, framed
Study for dawn chorus #1 N.D.
Martin King
Study for dawn chorus #1 N.D.
watercolour on drafting film and paper
56.5cm x 76cm
AG503943, framed
Oh well, stamp for a letter to Bill N.D.
Martin King
Oh well, stamp for a letter to Bill N.D.
graphite and watercolour on drafting film and paper
100cm x 80cm
AG503940, framed
Commemorative stamp NO GO N.D.
Martin King
Commemorative stamp NO GO N.D.
graphite and watercolour on drafting film and paper
100cm x 80cm
AG503941, framed
Studies for diaries of lost souls N.D.
Martin King
Studies for diaries of lost souls N.D.
graphite, watercolour, gouache, collage on drafting film and paper
100cm x 150cm
AG503944, framed
Ledger of the lost years ‘24 and ‘25 N.D.
Martin King
Ledger of the lost years ‘24 and ‘25 N.D.
graphite, watercolour and gouache on drafting film and paper
100cm x 150cm
AG503922, framed
Diary of lost souls, pages 21-22 N.D.
Martin King
Diary of lost souls, pages 21-22 N.D.
graphite and watercolour on drafting film and paper
130cm x 220cm
AG503919, framed
The birds arrive and are greeted by a herald vol. 1 N.D.
Martin King
The birds arrive and are greeted by a herald vol. 1 N.D.
photopolymer gravure, chine collé and hard cover book
24.5cm x 66cm
AG503942, framed
Ledger of the lost #5 N.D.
Martin King
Ledger of the lost #5 N.D.
paper stencils, hardcover book, stitching and red chalk
35cm x 54.5cm
AG503921, framed
Thinking about ledger of the lost N.D.
Martin King
Thinking about ledger of the lost N.D.
photopolymer gravure, hardcover book and ribbon
31cm x 63cm
AG503955, framed
Ledger of the lost – wings N.D.
Martin King
Ledger of the lost – wings N.D.
etching, drypoint, watercolour, hardcover book and stitching
32cm x 62cm
AG503960, framed
Now and then III N.D.
Martin King
Now and then III N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 20
22cm x 25cm
Now and then XV N.D.
Martin King
Now and then XV N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 20
22cm x 25cm
AG503939, framed $900
Now and then XIV N.D.
Martin King
Now and then XIV N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 20
22cm x 25cm
AG503928, framed $900
Now and then XIII N.D.
Martin King
Now and then XIII N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 20
22cm x 25cm
Now and then XI N.D.
Martin King
Now and then XI N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 20
22cm x 25cm
AG503938, framed $900
Now and then XII N.D.
Martin King
Now and then XII N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 20
22cm x 25cm
Now and then X N.D.
Martin King
Now and then X N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 20
22cm x 25cm
AG503937, framed $900
Now and then IX N.D.
Martin King
Now and then IX N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 20
22cm x 25cm
Now and then VIII N.D.
Martin King
Now and then VIII N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé edition 20
22cm x 25cm
AG503936, framed $900
Now and then VII N.D.
Martin King
Now and then VII N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé edition 20
22cm x 25cm
AG503923, framed $900
Now and then VI N.D.
Martin King
Now and then VI N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 20
22cm x 25cm
Now and then V N.D.
Martin King
Now and then V N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 20
22cm x 25cm
AG503934, framed $900
Now and then I N.D.
Martin King
Now and then I N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 20
22cm x 25cm
AG503929, framed $900
Now and then IV N.D.
Martin King
Now and then IV N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 20
22cm x 25cm
Now and then II N.D.
Martin King
Now and then II N.D.
etching, drypoint, photopolymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 20
22cm x 25cm
The crossing ‘storm’
Martin King
The crossing ‘storm’
etching and watercolour, unique
45cm x 45cm
AG503634, framed
Dawn survey indigo
Martin King
Dawn survey indigo
relief etching, edition 20
90cm x 134cm
AG114240, framed
Don’t think, just leave it to the stars N.D.
Martin King
Don’t think, just leave it to the stars N.D.
graphite, watercolour, gouache and pastel on drafting film and paper
107cm x 237cm
AG502410, framed
between heaven and earth
Martin King
between heaven and earth
graphite on paper
43cm x 42cm
AG113778, framed
false ornithology IX
Martin King
false ornithology IX
etching, relief etching, wax and hard cover book, unique
38cm x 23cm
AG502150, framed
after Durer XX & XXI
Martin King
after Durer XX & XXI
watercolour monoprint, wax and hard cover book, unique
55cm x 36cm
AG502148, framed
the place in between, indigo
Martin King
the place in between, indigo
relief etching with gouache on paper, edition 30
45cm x 90cm
AG502146, framed
tree of life, unsuccessful species
Martin King
tree of life, unsuccessful species
etching, drypoint, chine-collé and hand colouring, edition 3
168cm x 165cm
the birds arrive and are greeted by a herald
Martin King
the birds arrive and are greeted by a herald
graphite, watercolour, gouache and gold leaf on drafting film on paper
114cm x 145cm
AG502108, framed
unnatural history
Martin King
unnatural history
graphite on drafting film, watercolour on paper
125cm x 185cm
AG501909, framed
Silent witness III
Martin King
Silent witness III
graphite on drafting film
25cm x 25cm
AG501419, framed
Silent witness II
Martin King
Silent witness II
graphite on drafting film
25cm x 25cm
AG501420, framed
Silent witness I
Martin King
Silent witness I
graphite on drafting film
25cm x 25cm
AG501421, framed
black thursday diaries XXI
Martin King
black thursday diaries XXI
relief etching, wax, hard cover book and ribbon, unique
44cm x 27cm
AG501410, framed
hoodwinks and lyres vol. I
Martin King
hoodwinks and lyres vol. I
polymer intaglio, paper, wax and hard cover book
22cm x 35cm
AG501406, framed
Hoodwink, sepia silent witness
Martin King
Hoodwink, sepia silent witness
etching, edition 25
20cm x 15cm
AG501320, framed
Provocateur indigo
Martin King
Provocateur indigo
etching, edition 30
67cm x 88cm
AG501187, framed
Hoodwink, silent witness II
Martin King
Hoodwink, silent witness II
woodcut on Japanese paper, edition 7
60cm x 40cm
AG501203, framed
The lyres
Martin King
The lyres
polymer intaglio and chine collé, edition 30
12.5cm x 37.5cm
Study for black Thursday
Martin King
Study for black Thursday
etching, edition 30
30cm x 60cm
Hoodwinks and lyres studies for the volumes II
Martin King
Hoodwinks and lyres studies for the volumes II
polymer intaglio, chine-collé, edition 30
15.5cm x 38cm
AG501199, framed
Hoodwinks and lyres study for the volumes I
Martin King
Hoodwinks and lyres study for the volumes I
polymer intaglio, chine-collé, edition 30
15cm x 39.5cm
AG501198, framed
Martin King
etching, aquatint and spite bite with hand colouring, edition 20
44cm x 178cm
Three frames from melencolia
Martin King
Three frames from melencolia
etching, edition 20
94cm x 42.5cm
Crossing the convergence IV
Martin King
Crossing the convergence IV
etching, pigment, watercolour and encaustic on paper, variable edition 20
90cm x 180cm
AG501206, framed
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