August Carpenter – Recipient of the 2023 Australian Print Workshop James Northfield Lithography Scholarship

Congratulations to August Carpenter, who has been awarded the 2023 Australian Print Workshop James Northfield Lithography Scholarship and joins the APW print studio community.

Since 2015, Australian Print Workshop has partnered with the James Northfield Heritage Art Trust to offer a scholarship program to honour the art of the late James Northfield and lithography. The APW James Northfield Lithography Scholarship is awarded to contemporary women printmakers who wish to develop their practice in lithography and offers free enrolment in an APW lithography course, studio access to professional printmaking facilities and equipment, and mentoring from APW’s skilled printers. The scholarship aims to facilitate opportunities for artists to practice lithography while, in the spirit of James Northfield’s lithographs, consider their own expressions of place, space and time in their work.

August uses her drawing and print-based practice to examine interactions between people and place. This scholarship will enable August to further her lithographic practice through use of APW’s professional print studio facilities and equipment.


View a selection of August Carpenter’s work here