Angus Fisher – Finalist in Dobell Drawing Prize #23

In News November 22, 2022

Image above: Angus Fisher  Parsley Bay  2022  charcoal on paper  70 x 100 cm.

We are delighted to announce that Angus Fisher has been announced as a finalist in the Dobell Drawing Prize #23.

The Dobell Drawing Prize #23 is an unparalleled celebration of drawing technique and innovation. Presented by the National Art School in partnership with the Sir William Dobell Art Foundation, the biennial prize explores the enduring importance of drawing within contemporary art practice.

Fisher’s chosen work, Parsley Bay, is one of a number of large charcoal drawings completed during lockdown that feature local bush land scenes along the Hawkesbury river, where Fisher lives and works. Parsley Bay was chosen alongside 63 other works from 1062 entries by judges Catherine O’Donnell, Paula Latos-Valier and Katrina Cashman.

The judges will reconvene in March 2023 to decide on the winner of this acquisitive $30,000 prize, donated by the Sir William Dobell Art Foundation, with the winning artwork automatically becoming the property of the National Art School.



Visit our online Stock Rooms to view a selection of available works by Angus Fisher here.



Dobell Drawing Prize #23
NAS Gallery, National Art School
156 Forbes Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010
31 March – 10 June 2023

Exhibition opening and winner announcement: Thursday 30 March 2023