Melbourne, 2 Aug 2022 — 20 Aug 2022

28 Derby Street [PO Box 1183], Collingwood 3066

Landscapes Tasmania
- Wayne Viney

Artist Talk: 2pm Saturday 13th August 2022

Wayne Viney’s enduring love of monotype has brought extensive exploration, which is reflected in his most recent body of work; Landscapes Tasmania.

“Monotype is my preferred medium; the interplay between ink and paper, the rich painterly effects it offers, together with the wonderful and unpredictable (and often very frustrating) element of chance, produce extraordinary results.

I have recently completed a series of Tasmanian landscapes, originally inspired by the Overland Walk that I completed in 2009.

Tasmania is a wonderful place for a landscape artist. Few areas offer such a rich diversity of striking imagery, from the glorious Cradle Mountain to the forbidding crags of Mount Geryon and the extraordinary coastline of the Tasman Peninsular, parts of which I have experienced from a small boat. My parents were born in Tasmania so I feel a strong emotional connection to the place. The Tasmanian landscape is powerful, brooding, inspiring. Qualities I hope I have brought to these prints. The images are primarily black and white to give the work a greater presence, without the distraction of colour.

Colour would diminish the power I feel when confronted with these mountains, monoliths of nature. Whilst I’m not religious, there’s a strong and almost overwhelming spirituality to the Tasmanian wilderness, they depict the unconscious terrain of our deepest yearning.” – Wayne Viney – excerpts from ‘Into a new landscape’ IMPRINT, 2022

Wayne Viney
Wayne Viney studied graphic design at Swinburne College graduating with a diploma in Art and …
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