Melbourne, 20 Nov 2014 — 8 Dec 2014

35 Derby Street [PO Box 1183], Collingwood 3066

Recent Paintings
- Peter Churcher

35 Derby Street, Collingwood VIC 3066

Peter Churcher
Painter Peter Churcher originally studied Music at Trinity College in London before completing a Bachelor …
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In Blog

Peter Churcher – at Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Germany

Image above: Peter Churcher  On the Metro  2020  oil on canvas  152 x 165 cm. Peter Churcher has a series …

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30th Anniversary of Australian Galleries in Sydney

Director Stuart Purves and Tim Storrier at Australian Galleries, Sydney in 1989 Australian Galleries Turns 30! 30 years ago today …

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Deborah Williams, Martin King and Phillip Edwards – finalists in Pro Hart Outback Art Prize

Image above: Deborah Williams The air smells different 2023 aquatint intalgio 53×39.5cm Congratulations to Deborah Williams, Martin King and Phillip …

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