Sydney, 16 Aug 2022 — 11 Sep 2022

15 Roylston Street [PO Box 282], Paddington 2021

Recent Paintings
- Graeme Drendel

Perhaps the best way to describe Graeme Drendel’s recent suite of paintings is the tangible meeting the intangible.

Elements that ground the viewer such as the crisp fold-marks of a tablecloth or an expressive hand gesture are placed within a setting that at first seems real – but a distinct omission of details and reference points cast the viewer into a more imaginative and fluid place. Inside and outside all at once, familiar and foreign, public displays and private moments.

The artist’s cast of characters are reacting and acting, but to exactly what or whom remains elusive. When viewing the works one finds that instead of following a storyline they are instead enjoying the very act of looking and questioning what it is they see and what, if anything, acts as a connecting thread between works. The effect is an experience of mystery and delight in surveying the figures and familiar forms, stepping into their world whilst remaining rooted in ours.

Graeme Drendel
Victorian born Graeme Drendel’s figurative works are meditations on the isolated individual, often within the …
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In Blog

2024 Salon des Refusés at S.H. Ervin Gallery

Image above (left to right): Graeme Drendel Portrait of Rick  2024 oil on canvas 41 x 31 cm | Michelle Hiscock …

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Vinnies ‘Art For Goodness Sake’ – Raising Funds to fight homelessness

image above courtesy of Leonard Joel Vinnies NSW is proud to present Art for Goodness Sake. Several of Australia’s leading …

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2023 Salon des Refusés at S.H. Ervin Gallery

Image above: Mary Tonkin  The shimmer of Spring’s mellowing, Kalorama  2022-23  oil on linen  183 x 248 cm. Photographed by …

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Christine Wrest-Smith – finalist in the Brisbane Portrait Prize 2024

Image above: Christine Wrest-Smith Portrait of Susan Johnson oil on linen 122 x 92cm Congratulations to Christine Wrest-Smith who has been …

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Deborah Williams, Martin King and Phillip Edwards – finalists in Pro Hart Outback Art Prize

Image above: Deborah Williams The air smells different 2023 aquatint intalgio 53×39.5cm Congratulations to Deborah Williams, Martin King and Phillip …

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Salvatore Zofrea – ‘From the Collection: Jagath Dheerasekara & Salvatore Zofrea’ at Campbelltown Arts Centre

Image above: Salvatore Zofrea Catching fire-flies in summer from the series Appassionata: one hundred woodcuts no.15. 1994–1999  Jelutong woodblock  40 …

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Collection in focus: Golburn Regional Gallery

Image above: Collection in focus exhibition image from Goulburn Regional Gallery Jenny Bell, G.W. Bot, Dale Cox, Graham Fransella, Rodney …

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Jenny Rodgerson & Peter Wegner – Finalists in The Lester Prize 2024

Above image details: Jenny Rodgerson Mum’s orange cardigan  2024 oil on linen 60 x 40 cm Congratulations to Jenny Rodgerson and …

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Holly Grace & Sarah Tomasetti – Finalists in the 2024 Fleurieu Biennale Art Prize

Image above: Sarah Tomasetti From Balpatta X 2024 145 x 150 cm pigment oil and marble dust on fresco Congratulations to Holly …

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Janet Luxton – Finalist in the Artists for Conservation International Exhibition

Image above:  Janet Luxton  Giant Australian Cuttlefish  2021  oil on canvas  120x160cm Congratulations to Janet Luxton who has had two …

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Wayne Eager – Interview in Studio National

Above image: Wayne Eager, Allegory I  2023 oil on linen 95 x 133 cm Wayne Eager was interviewed by Janet …

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Omina Art Prize Finalists – Kate Hudson, Martin King, Robin Stewart and Marina Strocchi

Image above: Marina Strocchi The vineyards of Madden’s Lane 2023 acrylic on linen 122 x 152 cm Congratulations to Kate …

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Jennifer Keeler-Milne – Ravenswood Art Prize Finalist

Congratulations to Jennifer Keeler – Milne for being selected as a finalist in the Ravenswood Art Prize 2024 for her …

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